On the Job
By Richard Sarell | News
DANIEL Di GIOVANNI has been on air as a core cast member in the ABC’s “Ronny Chieng: International Student” comedy series. Daniel also shot a Coles commercial in which he was cast without auditioning. His previous auditions were obviously strong enough to get him this gig.
YASMIN BUSHBY is on a roll. She has recently completed 3 big projects. Yasmin has been writing, producing and presenting a series of 26 sustainability-focussed videos for the City of Melbourne. All completed in time for Al Gore arriving in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago. She was also the featured role in a recent Coles commercial. And she is currently presenting an eight video series in Sydney and Melbourne for a big-name company. This shoot is underway at this moment.
DARREN MORT will shortly be making a return to Neighbours to reprise a guest character he has played before (no audition required).
ANTE KRESO appeared in “Offspring” with very positive feedback from the production about his work.
BRUNO STEPNELL has just completed a 2-day shoot for Neighbours.
ANDREA McCANNON and SIMONE BALL appeared in the same episode of True Story with Hamish & Andy.
MAXWELL SIMON after a great finish to his Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre) at the VCA has just finished his first professional gig – one of the lead roles in the new Australian musical ‘Between Worlds’. Well done Max.
Check this out … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yVgaHZwDlg
Congratulations to all. It has been a busy month.