Monthly Archives: August 2017

Aug 15

WEBINAR 1: Anatomy of a Self Test Audition

By Richard Sarell | Acting Classes & Workshops

Anatomy of a Self Test Audition – the takeawayslearnt from Lou Mitchell      The Recording




                         Full Fee:


1 hour 30 minutes

​Richard Sarell


90 minute WEBINAR Replay – $10

5 star rating

After a fabulous SELF TEST AUDITION WORKSHOP with Lou Mitchell (Maura Fay Casting), RICHARD has crunched the numbers and done the analysis.THE RESULTS ARE FASCINATING.  NOW you can discover the basic mistake 68% of actors make in their self test audition in this 5-star Webinar.Do a simple exercise that will change the way that you make your choices forever. Richard has the numbers that prove the point.

Sharon HeywoodWesley Forke

Detailed and descriptive. Great stuff.SHARON HEYWOODSeeing those percentages was a real wake up call – kind of scary.WESLEY FORKE

Thanks for opening my eyes, RichardKATE ALNUTTImmediately implementable practical instruction and insights.SOPHIA LIGHTFOOT

Kate AllnuttSophia Lightfoot

There is a current epidemic of self test auditions because of the pandemic. That trend was growing before the Covid Crisis and is set to continue afterwards.  So, don’t fall into this basic trap with your next self test.   

What you will learn in this session …

1) The most likely choice most actors will make

There are common choices made by actors when preparing a self test scene.  Understanding how others work will help you to make choices that are different.

2) Creative techniques to make an effective and professional self tape

There are very simple techniques that open up your options for the choices you are considering.  Learn to let logic create the possibilities so that your intuition can make the choice.

3) Manage the shooting/recording options

In last Saturday’s session Lou Mitchell made a number of suggestions about how to use the camera to enhance your performance.  This session will explore a variety of ways you can do that.

4) Preparing options for a scene when under pressure

Build your skill at understanding how the elements of the character and the conflict interact so that you are in complete control of all the options.  There will be a simple exercise to help you do that, which will be empowering.


  • You find Casting Directors intimidating
  • Are never sure exactly what a casting director is looking for or you are absolutely sure what they are looking for
  • Have made great plans for your audition but seldom deliver them
  • Feel you often fall into the same traps
  • Often aren’t clear about your choices so you just wing it.


  • the same mistakes will continue to reoccur
  • you wont have a professional understanding of the audition process
  • confusing choices will be hard to resolve
  • your audition will be the same as everyone else’s
  • be rigid in your choices rather than relaxed, flexible and professional


Over his twenty-five year directing career Richard found that many actors he auditioned didn’t actually listen in auditions.  And he realised that it took many years of experience for actors to come to terms with and understand the audition process.

Having a practical understanding of what the actor’s job is when auditioning is a massive help in enabling an actor to audition well.  Self test have added a whole new layer of complications.  Plus there are many myths about auditions and many confusions about what Casting Directors and directors are looking for.

Richard was one of the first acting teachers to begin running workshops that allowed actors to interact with Casting Directors.  The aim was to give actors experience of the audition room so that they can approach an audition in a relaxed, focused and professional way.

Richard continues to analyze actors choices to define which ones are productive so that the actors he trains are equipped to make pro-active choices.  Because our minds all work in the same way understanding those patterns of behaviour is both good for managing the actor’s choices as well as understanding the character’s motivation.

Shane Porteous A Country Practice [Lead actor]

For an actor a scene must do more than further the plot – it must explore the relationship between the characters. Richard has a gift for making this process clear and simple. His direction gives me confidence to trust my own intuition, thus allowing the character room to breathe…


Learn skills you will use throughout your career.