WEBINAR 4: The Actor/Director Relationship

By Richard Sarell | Acting Classes & Workshops

Sep 26

WEBINAR 4:  The Actor/ Director Relationship(in the audition room)


Sat 26 September


1.5 hrs


11am – 12.30pm


Richard Sarell



Get WEBINAR 5: FREE if you sign up now for WEBINAR 4:                                              WEBINAR 4: “The Actor/Director Relationship – in the audition room                                              WEBINAR 5; “The Actor/Director Relationship – on the set

Director Film 1 Paul Burns

90 minute WEBINAR – $10

Director Film 2 Maggie Brittingham

IN THIS WEBINAR two directors will direct two pairs of actors to audition for a character in their short film.   (ACTORS PLEASE NOTE: Although these stories are yet to be shot the castings on this occasion are for the purposes of the Webinar.  The ultimate casting for the shoot will be an entirely separate process.)  Actors can now apply to audition for a role in this Webinar by submitting a self test audition.  Some actors will be chosen directly from the self test, others will perform their callback audition as part of WEBINAR 4: on Saturday 26 September at 11:00am.  More information for Directors HERE.


ACTOR’S AUDITIONS – for five characters in two different films.

            FILM 1:    AMELIA (25 – 35);  SIAN (40 – 50) and JESSIE (50 – 60)

              FILM 2:       MUM – Julia (40 – 45) and DAD – David (45 – 50)

The Webinar Difference:  Actors must enrol in the Webinar to be able to apply to audition. ENROL HERE ($10)

EVERY ACTOR WHO APPLIES WILL GET TO SUBMIT A SELF TEST FOR THE CHARACTER OF THEIR CHOICE. DEADLINE FOR SELF TESTS IS 5PM TUESDAY 22 September – all auditioners will receive personal, individual feedback from Richard Sarell.

THE WEBINAR PLANThe two directors are both Honours students.  The films are their final exercise to complete their degree.  Initially actors will be selected from their self test audition. Then some of the actors will be directed in a call back audition at 11:00am Saturday 26 September as part of WEBINAR 4:   The final selection will be made as result of the callbacks. On Sunday 3 October at 7pm in WEBINAR 5: the successful actors will be directed in another scene from these two short films.There will be two separate Webinars on the actor/director relationship. During the webinar both directors and actors will receive feedback on the effectiveness of their communications.THE AIMGround Zero for actors and directors is the actual time on set when they are working together.  The focus of these sessions is to learn how actors and directors can best collaborate to produce the dream production they are both working towards.New creative partnerships might blossom from this collaboration.

THE COSTThe cost of each of these one and a half hour webinars is $10 per participant.

ACTORS – once you are enrolled email Richard@rehearsalroom.com with the name of the character you wish to audition for in the subject line.  Richard will then forward you the script.The deadline for your self test submission is Tuesday 22 September 5pm.The directors will choose the candidates for the callback audition on Saturday 26 September at 11am.EACH ACTOR THAT SUBMITS WILL INDEPENDENTLY RECEIVE PERSONAL FEEDBACK FROM RICHARD about their audition.

DIRECTORS can still applyIf you would like the opportunity to actively participate in future Webinars on the actor/director relationship – choose a script – it should be a short film of approximately 10 – 15 minutes that you own or have copyright clearance on.Then all you have to do is …

  1. email Richard@rehearsalroom.com
  2. put “Actor/Director WEBINAR” in the subject line
  3. In the body of the email provide a short description of yourself by way of an introduction.
  4. Include a one sentence description of the film you wish to use and the age range of the characters you require.



  • Clear and logical explanations work for you
  • An acting adventure is always fun
  • You love being involved with the development of new ideas
  • Understanding more about the actors and directors skill is your passion
  • Feel you often fall into the same traps
  • Often aren’t clear about your choices so you just wing it.


  • rather than being relaxed at tackling new ideas you will be stressed
  • you could restrict your openness to new processes
  • applying yourself to unusual tasks will be challenging
  • making the obvious choice will become a more regular trap
  • you won’t be confident about floating an unusual idea
  • the same mistakes will continue to occur


Over his twenty-five year directing career Richard found that that there were many unusual behaviours that he would have to encourage actors to adopt for their character.  One thing became quickly plain.  No matter how odd the behaviour was there was always a conscious or unconscious reason driving it.  Everything happened for a reason.

Working out how and why unusual behaviours occurred was fascinating.  Then learning to translate that knowledge into acting technique was another fascinating challenge. He became very skilled at it.

Actors have to do the same thing.  On some occasions they too are confronted by the unusual and have to start from scratch to work out a practical way to apply a new understanding to a performance.This webinar will also therefore explore learning how to learn.

WEBINAR 4:Saturday 26 Sept11:00am to 12:30pm

Have a fun time learning. 


About the Author