Category Archives for "News"

Successes of the Month
Jul 31

On the Job

By Richard Sarell | News

DANIEL Di GIOVANNI has been on air as a core cast member in the ABC’s “Ronny Chieng: International Student” comedy series. Daniel also shot a Coles commercial in which he was cast without auditioning. His previous auditions were obviously strong enough to get him this gig.

YASMIN BUSHBY is on a roll. She has recently completed 3 big projects.  Yasmin has been writing, producing and presenting a series of 26 sustainability-focussed videos for the City of Melbourne. All completed in time for Al Gore arriving in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago. She was also the featured role in a recent Coles commercial. And she is currently presenting an eight video series in Sydney and Melbourne for a big-name company. This shoot is underway at this moment.

DARREN MORT will shortly be making a return to Neighbours to reprise a guest character he has played before (no audition required).

ANTE KRESO appeared in “Offspring” with very positive feedback from the production about his work.

BRUNO STEPNELL has just completed a 2-day shoot for Neighbours.

ANDREA McCANNON and SIMONE BALL appeared in the same episode of True Story with Hamish & Andy.

MAXWELL SIMON after a great finish to his Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre) at the VCA has just finished his first professional gig – one of the lead roles in the new Australian musical ‘Between Worlds’. Well done Max.
Check this out …

Congratulations to all. It has been a busy month.

Jul 24

Totally Truthful and Compelling to Watch

By Richard Sarell | News

Every so often, something so outstanding happens that its importance needs to be recorded. Last week ANDREA McCANNON’S performance in Wednesday evening’s ‘Eclat’ MASTER CLASS was such an occasion. ANDREA delivered a fabulous 6 minute 45 second blemish free performance recorded in one take.

At The Rehearsal Room, as actors progress through the various levels of the classes they work on longer and longer scenes. That’s because the challenge for the actor to keep a scene engaging for the audience increases considerably as the length of the scene grows. This scene was nearly seven minutes long! That’s unusually long for a TV script.  There were plenty of challenges here, yet ANDREA made it look easy.

This exceptional performance was totally engaging, compellingly real, charming and thoroughly entertaining. Fine work.

ANDREA’S association with The Rehearsal Room began in 2005. She started in the Intermediate Sunday Workshop and has continued to return over the years.

The next Sunday Intermediate Workshop commences on Sunday 6 August at 2pm.  Enrol here.