Dates: Monday 27 Jan - 31 March
Duration: 10 weeks
Times: 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Tutor: Richard Sarell
email or ring 0407 226 620 for more details
Expand the effectiveness of your skills to a highly professional level. Directors will love your ability to interpret their notes. Refine your techniques and practice very effective, uniquely practical add-ons. In the final session be directed by a professional guest TV director.
If you haven't previously studied here you can still audition for a place in the MASTER CLASS

I have observed leading teacher directors in the US and UK and Richard shares with them that facility to guide actors through the guff to the heart of the scene.
What will be covered in this course?
1) Stretch your emotional range
The character’s emotions are directly connected to the success or failure they experience at achieving their goals. These techniques teach actors to get the emotional balance right.
2) Engage an audience with the power of the story
Delivering the story is the actor’s primary focus. You will be empowered to engage your audience with the real drama in a very real way.
3) Create richly complex characters
Creating real character’s that function beautifully in different relationships is the pinnacle of the actor’s craft. These simple and logical techniques create richly textured characters in a profoundly simple way.
4) Be in charge of your professional conversations
The Rehearsal Room process will enable you to dissect Directors and Casting Directors intentions. Often you will be able to interpret their goals into actor friendly concepts better than they can. You will be empowered to share in the responsibility of finding both story and character choices.
5) Prepare efficiently and effectively
Being given a task at short notice will no longer frighten you. You will practice being empowered to prepare in either seconds or weeks with techniques that are appropriate and effective. They are proven to work.
6) No longer will you be ruled by acting myths
You will practice techniques that are so logical and so practical that the mumbo-jumbo of many of the acting myths will no longer befuddle your mind and confuse your choices.
- You have strong foundations of The Rehearsal Room process in place and want to continue to build your skills
- There are still areas of acting process you wish specifically work on
- You know that maintaining a craft means constantly practicing
- You want to catch up with new techniques that have evolved at The Rehearsal Room
- You want to keep working with actors who use these unique skills
- You will compromise the consistency of your performances
- Under pressure of an audition you will rush to make ineffective choices
- You wont be able to process director’s notes effectively
- You will often be confused about direction and uncertain how to implement it
- You wont be able to monitor the bad habits that have crept into your work since the last class
- You will miss out on the fun of the most enjoyable and productive classes in town

Richard loves conducting the MASTER CLASS sessions. It is here that the learning is shared between the actors and the teacher. Although actors may still be clarifying their understanding of the detail of The Rehearsal Room process in these sessions they are now ready for big challenges and strong critiques.
Because we are all measuring performances from the same set of values the discussions are exciting and frank. It is in these sessions that new articulations of this acting process emerge.
Actors now negotiate their performance choices with professional skills. Richard finds it very satisfying to hear actors identifying problem areas ahead of time. That was the reason he established this course. Its aim was to empower actors to see the possible outcomes of their choices while they are still in the preparation stage. Guest directors to classes see these skills in action.
Recently a director commented that he was impressed how well everyone could take direction. When he discovered that the actors had never done their scenes before, but had prepared them over a 20 minute period before he arrived, he changed his mind. "Now I am REALLY impressed," he said.
Richard believes those are the professional skills that all actors should be able to deliver with ease
THIS COURSE STARTS - Monday 27 Jan 2025
Learn skills you will use throughout your career. Learn to be real, to be versatile, to be a great listener and to be skilled in auditions. The MASTER CLASS will lift your professional skills to a new level.