2nd February 2014
Success Stories
VIKKI MOURSELLAS finished shooting “My Kitchen Rules” recently and soon after decided to attend The Rehearsal Room Summer Intensive TV Presenting Workshop in January. She had a ball and learnt a lot. Gaining selection as the Victorian representatives for this season of “My Kitchen Rules” required persistence and determination. Vikki’s perseverance has paid off. The first episode featuring Vikki and her identical twin sister Helena is on air 6.30pm this Sunday 2nd February. |
An unusual coincidence in this Summer Intensive was the participation of another reality TV participant who was ALSO AN IDENTICAL TWIN. Ex-North Melbourne footballer Ed Lower is now moving into a new career phase. After appearing on "Big Brother" he is now working at building his TV Presenting skills.
Professional sporting careers train people in processes that have high percentage returns. For example, Ed explained to us that there is a straightforward formula or routine to be applied when kicking a goal. Ed is now applying The Rehearsal Room techniques to help him kick goals in a new professional arena. |
So, you can’t get a gig on ‘Getaway’?? There are other options. Two years ago ADAM FORD produced, wrote, directed and presented his own travel show “Tour the World”. It was shown on Foxtel Aurora.
A second series was completed with an equal amount of hard work and was initially seen on Digital Channel 4ME. Jade Harrison got her big break and made her debut in one episode of the 2nd series.
BUT NOW from 25th January “Tour the World” is airing on Channel Ten at 11am on Saturday mornings. Adam is NOW the producer of a show on mainstream TV. Check out the website.
This has not been easy. Adam has worked enormously hard not only making the show but also writing an excellent blog for the 2nd series.
CONGRATULATIONS, Adam. A massive effort and a huge result.
Adam would appreciate YOU spreading the word to build audience numbers. He also suggests you GET YOUR SKILLS UP AND A REEL TOGETHER because a third series is planned and he’s looking for presenters. |
MAX SIMON was paying for his acting classes at The Rehearsal Room by busking. He won’t be coming back to classes for a while because he’s about to start a degree course in Music Theatre at The Victorian College of the Arts. Max found auditioning for the course was fairly straightforward. He felt he “was the most relaxed actor in the auditions” because he knew what his job entailed. Plus he was absolutely confident that if they asked him to change he could do so with ease. That’s exactly what The Rehearsal Room process is all about. CONGRATULATIONS, Max … have lots of fun.
MARK HOLDEN was back on the airwaves at the beginning of the year with commercials promoting Open Universities and online learning. Mark Holden finds The Rehearsal Room techniques clear, useful and very practical. He knows they work. |
Max Simon at work last year |
LEANNE COURTNEY is in London exploring British acting scene. She had managed to get into British Equity but had been rejected from Spotlight (the ‘showcast’ equivalent). She wrote to me that, “In the past perhaps I would have accepted this rejection, but instead I chose to go into the office and state my case.” A helpful receptionist suggested she detail her experience in an email.
Within two hours, she had a response ...
“Dear Leanne, It appears that you are in fact eligible to be a member of Spotlight.”
Leanne’s advice is, “Don’t take no for an answer.”
Do you get the message? Just keep working at it. |
And of course, keep listening.
29th May 2013
Round 3 Audition Workshop
'Neighbours' Casting Director Thea McLeod and Greg Apps (Greg Apps Casting - Sydney) will be at the The Rehearsal Room 9am to 1pm on Saturday 15th & 22nd June respectively.
Actors who wish to have a coaching session with me should book a private lesson.
'DELIVERING THE STORY' - 4 great sessions for MASTER CLASS level actors from 7th July. For more ...
'TV PRESENTERS WORKSHOP' starts 6th July For Details ...
‘ENVISAGING’ – is it useful or destructive???
We ALL do it all the time in life. When working on a performance actor’s do it a LOT and often not to any great advantage. Sometimes it’s to HUGE disadvantage. The results can be DISASTROUS.
Read the blog …
Keep listening
Richard. |
4th April 2013
Sally McLean (Bendigo Bank TVC and ‘Flame Trees’ at Theatre Works); Tommy Little (‘Time of Our Lives’ soon to air on ABC1); Karla Hillam (Guest role on ‘Off Spring’); Paul Cousins (10 week guest role on ‘Neighbours’ & guest role on ‘The Dr Blake Mysteries’ Ep5);
Giovanni Bartuccio (Neighbours’ guest role);
Darren Mort (‘Neighbours’ guest role & TVC for Integrity Insurance);
Patrick Kelleher (‘The Dr Blake Mysteries’ on ABC1);
Ante Kreso (‘The Dr Blake Mysteries’ on ABC1);
Kyahl Anderson (‘Lazy Town’ tour of Melbourne & Sydney).
The Rehearsal Room workshops lay strong foundations for successful performance outcomes. The best place to get a solid grounding in these processes is in the Introductory Workshop. However, some actors decide to start in the Advanced Workshop. Ann Truong’s first class was the Advanced Workshop …
“Something clicks in every class. It's an amazing feeling - knowing that you are going to learn something profound ... I return each week excited." - Ann Truong, March '13 |
Introductory Workshop Tuesday 16th April (7pm – 9.30pm)
Advanced Workshop Thursday 18th April (7pm – 9.30pm)
Advanced Level ll Workshop Monday 15th April (7pm – 9.30pm)
MASTER CLASS Wednesday 17th April (7pm – 9.30pm)
Four Sunday afternoon sessions focusing on “DELIVERING THE STORY”. A guest director will run the final session.
This workshop helps actors to build on The Rehearsal Room’s uniquely practical approach to identifying the key story ingredients in a scene. This remarkably powerful tool should be used by the actor when preparing, when auditioning and while on the set. A great chance to improve an essential acting skill. (ENROL NOW - There are still three places available in this class.)
The Round Two Audition Workshop this time provides actors the opportunity to do THREE PREPARATION SESSIONS on Saturday 20th, 27th April and 4th May with Richard Sarell. ABC Casting Director ALISON TELFORD’s session is on 11th May and on 18th May actors will see ANDREW THOMPSON from Winners and Losers. CLICK HERE TO ENROL
Actors have the choice to do the preparation sessions or just see the Casting Directors.
Ever wondered how to find out all you need to get into VOICE OVER?
Last WORKSHOP for this financial year starts 17th June and runs till the 22nd July.
This intensive course will build your theory in the classroom and your practical skills in a professional recording studio.
John Higginson has been teaching this course for 20 years and has it right.
Members of the last four classes have reported getting professional voice over work!!!" FOR MORE ...
ADAM FORD’S series ‘Tour the World’ which finishes its season this week on TV4ME with a cruise down the Danube River, through Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. With high hopes of a second series Adam is seeking a female presenter for series two. You can find the details here. |
18th December 2012
Successful Screenings for ‘Rhyme and Reason’
Two test screenings of The Rehearsal Room feature film ‘Rhyme and Reason’ have produced very positive results. The film was screened to two small groups over the weekend. The responses were very promising.
‘Rhyme and Reason’ is a 90-minute film in which 41 actors from The Rehearsal Room have speaking roles.
‘FEEL GOOD’ … ‘A Sweet Film’
The response of the test audience was warm and very positive. They liked the story. Nearly 80% found the story touching and enjoyable. Their descriptions included phrases like ‘feel-good’, ‘sweet’, ‘easy to watch’ and ‘subtly poignant’.
The average rating across the two groups of their enjoyment of the film was 7.6 out of 10. The highest rating was 9 out of ten and the lowest was 7. |
This audience was very clear about the message of the film. They said it was about ‘trust’, ‘hope’, ‘self-worth’ and ‘overcoming fears’. ANTE KRESO’s performance in the lead role received universal approval.
THE NEXT STEP is to see if we can find a distributor.
These good fun 5-day workshops are a very practical way to come to grips with the fundamentals of this uniquely simple approach to performance. Stand-up comedian DAVE THORNTON found the Acting Summer Intensive enormously useful.
ACTING INTENSIVE 14th – 18th January 2013 (enrol here)
TV PRESENTING INTENSIVE 7th – 11th January 2013 (enrol here)
JULES LUND, KELLY LANDRY and SHURA TAFT have all found The Rehearsal Room process provides a useful set of tools.
“The Rehearsal Room not only gave me presenting skills and built my confidence but also gave me valuable life skills. I learnt more about creating a story in six sessions than I did in a three year English language and Media degree.” – Lianne Collinson Dec 2012
The next term of acting classes commence from 21st January 2013 (click here for more)
18th April 2012
THREE WEEKS TO GO - Casting Directors
Melanie Mackintosh (Mackintosh Casting) 12th MAY
Lou Mitchell (Maura Faye) 19th MAY
YOU CAN PREPARE YOUR SCENES with Richard Sarell over the NEXT THREE SATURDAYS ($315). Or just see the casting directors ($145). Enrol now.
VOICE OVER WORKSHOP starts 30th April
Ever wondered about VOICE OVER?
Last WORKSHOP for this financial year starts 30th April
Build your skills in a professional recording studio.
Expert advice from John Higginson. For more information …
NOW on 29th April (2 – 4pm)
Do you have the mindset that invites success??
Self-certainty is the only fuel that the engine of success will run on.
After 300 performances in the lead of ‘Jersey Boys’ Glenn Quinn has something important to share with YOU.
.jpg) |
There’s a NEW blog on the website.
Get TIPS about acting; NEWS of classes; information about actor’s achievements and details of our feature film ‘Rhyme and Reason’. Click here to read the blog.
The nightclub scene is now shot and this project is another step closer to completion. Last Saturday was spent at Revolt Productions in Kensington with the indie electronic band THNKR providing fantastic music. A large group of actors generously provided background action and the main cast worked hard at generating an energetic, engaging and believable performance.
Two years of effort have gone into this shoot so far. Like any project, career or skill the single most significant factor contributing to a positive outcome is PERSISTENCE. The growth in skill of the main cast over this period is impressive.
A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR ALL THE EFFORT. (Special thanks to ANTE KRESO – 2 years 750 shots is a lot of commitment) |
Keep listening,
31st March 2012
NEXT TERM of Evening Classes commences 16th April 2012
“I've registered online for the next Term. I'm learning so much from you I couldn't possibly stop now :)” Sarah Brande 25th March 2012
Jakov (ANTE KRESO) gives his first public performance of a poem - he attracts a huge crowd |
Rhyme and Reason – YOUR HELP NEEDED!!
Our feature film shoot is moving ahead. Each new scene shot is getting us closer to the shooting the final funeral scene.
ON SATURDAY 14th APRIL from 9am – 4pm we are shooting the nightclub scenes.
We’d love your unpaid help.
A simple lunch will be supplied.
It’s a charming story and we can only finish it with ‘a little help from our friends.’
Email contact@rehearsalroom.com to let me know that you are available.
GLENN QUINN at The Rehearsal Room
2pm – 4pm Sunday 22nd April
TWO brilliant hours exploring –
The big fear of every performer
Auditioning with influence
Failing like a star
Knowing success
For more information …
NEXT AUDITION WORKSHOP – 3 preparation sessions available this time - 21st, 28th April and 5th May - get set to see the casting directors ($315).
Or prepare yourself and just attend two sessions to see Lou Mitchell and Melanie Mackintosh ($145) on 12th & 19th May FOR MORE …
Voice Over Workshop commences 16th April
THIS WORKSHOP WAS SOLD OUT ALL LAST YEAR - 3 places left in this course. To enrol click here
David Morgan’s EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHS (colour as well as black and white) from Europe and South-East Asia are on display at Prince Maximilian Restaurant & Bar, 30 Commercial Road, Prahran 3181 until 31st May 2012.
These delightful photos can be viewed while you have a drink or a meal.
David has edited the show reels of many Rehearsal Room actors. |
‘Nullarbor’ the 10 minute animated film directed by Patrick Sarell and Alister Lockhart has had extraordinary success. It won best animated short at Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals as well as the AACTA award. |
It has also won host of awards at many international film festivals – the most recent being in Portugal.
‘Nullarbor’ is now available to view from iTunes. A search for the title will enable you to down load it. Congratulations to the whole Lampshade team. |
Keep working – persistence is the key to success.
AND keep listening.
10th February 2012