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The serialized diaries of two young & restless actors and YOU can help create this story and develop the characters. The rules are: 1. Maximum of 200 words per diary entry or as brief as you like. 2. A His entry must be followed by a Hers entry, which must be followed by a His entry etc. 3. DO NOT use real names and events - create a fictional story. 4. Maximum of 4 diary entries per submission. 5. Sign the License to Copy before you submit. 6. Click on Submit this will email your entry to The Rehearsal Room. 7. Each Sunday a new entry will be selected and added to The Daze of Hope. READ THE NAMES OF THE DIARY CONTRIBUTORS HERE copyright www.rehearsalroom.com INTRO | ABOUT | WORKSHOPS & CLASSES | TESTIMONIALS | LATEST NEWS | WORKING ACTOR GREENROOM | DIRECTOR'S NOTES | QUOTARIUM | DIARY | OFF-CUTS | AUDITIONS | CONTACT All contents copyright © The Rehearsal Room unless othewise stated | Designed by Salmac Maintained by The Rehearsal Room |