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Presenting "Skills for the TV Presenter" What do you have to do to be a good TV Presenter? Take a look at any Presenter you like and think about why you like them. The reasons are probably quite simple –
If a producer is going to hire you as a Presenter they will do so because they believe an audience will relate to you in the same way you relate to the Presenters you like. The way you present yourself to your audience is the key to being a successful presenter. How do you do this successfully? Circling
the Key Words Circling words may be useful if you are doing a hard sell and trying to push your audience into taking your offer of an extra set of steak knives. But will they like you? It may be useful in helping your audience understand the point you are making but will they be interested in the way you relate to your subject. (Circling key words in your delivery tends to make them stand out with mechanical emphasis – any sign of mechanical speech distances an audience from the speaker.) And it seldom leads to the audience understanding your interest in the subject. On that count this method is most likely to achieve at best 25% of your listed goals. That’s not a very high percentage return. Useful
Skills Being clearly understood … Audience understanding is achieved through a number of elements. Psychologists have analyzed communication to be based on the following factors –
The words are only a very small part of it. (So, beware those circles.) That doesn’t mean that clear articulation isn’t a fundamental skill, of course it is. But even so clearly articulating something is only part of the communication. So, what are the other ingredients? Being interesting … This is a goal that is a very confusing. Teachers of old will recommend bringing ‘light and shade’ to your delivery. This will affect the tonal quality of your vocal responses and therefore could have a 38% effect on the outcome. Certainly a monotone is not engaging or interesting BUT making one word sound different to the previous one isn’t very interesting either. Presenters who force light and shade onto a piece generally sound contrived and disconnected from their subject and their audience. Boring!!!!!!! There is
a simple trick to achieving this goal – DON’T BE INTERESTING,
BE INTERESTED. If we like you and you are interested in a subject then
we will be interested in it too. We will be interested to discover what
interests you. If you are genuinely interested in your topic and want
to share your interest with us then your delivery will have a natural
energy, which will radiate your unique individuality and be totally engaging.
It will also have a rich variety of vocal textures arising naturally from
your enthusiasm and interest in the subject.
When Jules Lund first came to The Rehearsal Room he already had been offered some work but had turned it down. “I don’t want to be a ‘flash-in-the-pan’. I want to know what I’m doing when I get out there,” he told me. From that point Jules did 12 months work at The Rehearsal Room. He worked hard attending other classes in presenting and voice over skills. Finally, with considerable confidence based on his efforts he put together a show reel and set about getting work. Jules Lund’s success was not an overnight lucky break. It was the culmination of a well-planned and well-executed campaign. In retrospect that show reel now probably looks like the work of a newcomer – for that’s what it was. However, it clearly demonstrated that Jules could deliver all those fundamental goals. It also clearly demonstrated the huge effort he had made to acquire his skills and it gave a number of clear looks at his uniquely individual personality. That’s what got him his first job interviews. Your
Unique Value Rehearsal Room TV Presenting Workshops set you on the path to acquiring a useful functional understanding and skill level. There are no promises of premature show reels and instant fame. At The Rehearsal Room you work on skills that will set you on the pathway to professionalism. December 2007 Copyright © The Rehearsal Room 2007. All rights Reserved. < BACK INTRO | ABOUT | WORKSHOPS & CLASSES | TESTIMONIALS | LATEST NEWS | WORKING ACTOR GREENROOM | DIRECTOR'S NOTES | QUOTARIUM | DIARY | OFF-CUTS | AUDITIONS | CONTACT All contents copyright © The Rehearsal Room unless othewise stated |