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Linda: Jo Estill is now an elderly lady - she is about eighty. She's an American of Italian parentage and the whole thing started I think because she was a singer - a gifted natural singer - and when she was twenty or so she was taken to Denmark, I think it was, to have her European debut as a singer. She had a beautiful voice and so there was a lot of razzmatazz about it. Now I don't know the reason why but apparently she got cold feet and gave up the whole thing. She then went back to America, got married, had children and apart from singing around the house didn't do anything until she was about forty when she happened to be going to university and the university she was at was starting to explore "voice science". Because of her interest in singing she decided to study this subject.
You didn't get to see it and I don't think an anaesthetized larynx would behave in the same way as an ordinary one. This (new) technology is largely of great use to singers but because it's just technical scientific stuff it is also of great use to anyone using the voice. It's nothing to do with the 'art' of voice work. It's nothing to do with shaping and phrasing and all the other things that voice teachers do to help actors sit in the moment by sitting in their voice. But it does clearly show the mechanics of how the voice works. You see the larynx really is a valve - that's its primary function although we now use it to make sound and that's called an adaptive function (I think it was about one hundred and fifty thousand years ago that we started to do this) but as I was saying it's basically a valve that stops breath or lets breath through and we use what we call the 'true folds' to vibrate over the 'out breath' and produce sound. Now one of the big things of vocal abuse is what Jo calls constriction of the larynx. And they have found out that just above the 'true folds' that vibrate and create the sound, you have two masses of what is partly muscle but largely fatty tissue called the ventricular or 'false folds'. Now because it's a valve the larynx does its thing, which is to close and open and they have realized that the ventricular folds can come across and actually clamp the whole larynx. That's what Jo calls constriction. Richard: So the larynx is actually the mechanism which opens and closes the air ways into the lungs?
Because, getting back to constricting the big thing that gets in the way I suppose is that those false folds come together in response to effort. Now anything in performance mode is deemed effort by the larynx because you are actually working at a louder level a louder way of speaking. So you have to be very careful that you don't constrict. If you do you can stuff up the 'true folds' - they won't work as well - and eventually you could get vocal nodules and that sort of thing. This is not desirable. There's one exercise I do with students where I get them to run around the room and I say to them, "Just make the most dynamic sound you can" - and very often I get really tight and constricted sound where not only is the larynx squidging but the false folds have really come across and stopped the sound. So one of the first things you learn is how to actually open that constriction. You start to learn with the Estill work that because the larynx is just sitting in your neck its held in place by a total hammock of muscles going every which way it means that everything you do with posture, everything you do with your face and with your shoulders will affect it. And you learn scientifically what is going on. The other thing that the Estill work does is show you all about different vocal qualities. For example speech quality is thick folds with the thyroid and the cricoid cartilage absolutely square. For speech you don't need any tilting. But you learn that speech is stronger in the lower part of the range and once you get up higher you alter conditions in the larynx so you really have to watch what happens here because you can either go squeaky or you can get for example what a lot of women get - a falsetto quality.
Richard: You are talking about inner parts of the anatomy So how do you learn to manipulate these if you can't see them? Linda: Well you can see them if you are 'on scope' . Um . Richard: So do you have a 'scope' here? Linda: Oh, no! You would have to have that done by an otolaryngologist. But it is in fact very easy. You can actually start to feel what is happening in your larynx. At first you think "My what? What is this person asking me to do?" But as you get more familiar with how it feels you can actually get quite specific about it. And one of the ways we develop twang quality is to get people in New Zealand where every knows about sheep they can make a "baa-aa-aa" sound. Oddly enough that is getting the right effect in the larynx. I talk about twang a lot because of course for actors on the stage it actually gives an upper harmonic to the voice it gives that cutting edge to the sound. Because speech quality as speech quality doesn't carry very far it can go quite muzzy so you need a little bit of twang in it. Richard: That helps projection, does it?
More information about Jo Estill is available from Estill Voice Training Systems http://www.evts.com/ In the second
part of this interview Linda Cartwright explores the concepts
of audibility and clarity. She also discusses the value of this
process for actors who sometimes have to sing and the time frame
involved for students in learning the Estill concepts.