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Off-Cut: Three An excerpt from an interview discussing "How Stanislavski's Method has survived the changing theatre culure?" aired on ABC's Radio National "Arts Today". This quote is from the Associate Artistic Director of the Moscow Art Theatre, Anatoli Smelianski . The interview was conducted by Martin Portus I think that Stanislavski's method, because it has very personal sources and started in 1906 as an attempt to help himself as an actor...he had a big crisis and the crisis was that he lost his happiness in acting lost the paradise of art .and acting became a craft, acting became a torture of repeating and repeating yourself and the first idea of method was how to be alive on stage, how to be happy on stage, how not to convert acting into a routine into a world of banality I think that this is completely alive now and for the actors in the world it's a message. "Arts Today" is on ABC Radio National (621kHz) 10.05am to 11.00am each weekday. < BACK INTRO | ABOUT | WORKSHOPS & CLASSES | TESTIMONIALS | LATEST NEWS | WORKING ACTOR GREENROOM | DIRECTOR'S NOTES | QUOTARIUM | DIARY | OFF-CUTS | AUDITIONS | CONTACT All contents copyright © The Rehearsal Room unless othewise stated |