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I hope you are well and once the music stops I'll be back at an audition workshop in the near future. I've have spread the word to so many people and there's a fair bit of talk out there about how great your classes/courses are - not that there wasn't already! I just really wanted to say 'thank you.' It is sometimes difficult to find a teacher/mentor who puts their students' interests ahead of their own and offers purely objective feedback. I've formed some great friendships with people I've met through your workshops and always feel totally satisfied that I have had your full undivided attention when you are reviewing my work. It's just so helpful - you've given me a different way of looking at my work. Take care, Elks" - Elke Osadnik , October '07 "Having the chance to get in front of casting directors of such a great calibre and quality and receive their feedback without the pressure was wonderful. Then having Richard give feedback from a different (director/teacher) perspective was the icing on the cake! I’ve come out with some great things to work on. Thank you." - Nicole Scott, July '07 "In the preparation sessions it was useful to be able to run through the scenes on camera, before seeing the casting directors. And so was watching the scenes afterwards with Richard when he gives very specific feedback on areas for improvement. The most valuable aspect of the workshop is Richard’s feedback. He talks in terms and concepts that are measurable and really make sense. It is invaluable and really helped improve my technique and increase my toolkit as an actor. I learnt a lot." - Dave Kenyon, July '07
The more of these I do the more relaxed I get and the more flexible I become. And the main thing; I’M HAVING FUN." - Patrick Constantinou, July '07
The preparation sessions were really valuable for learning and practicing before seeing the casting directors." - George Ginis, July '07
I enjoyed it." - Natasha Suran, July '07
I enjoyed it – good fun." - Jana Wilkes, July '07 "I found this experience much better than other similar workshops I have done. I learnt a lot – casting directors are not scary people." - Maria Polyviou, July '07 "Thanks again for critiquing my scene, Richard. It's a HUGE help! I really appreciate your feedback and completely see your point about the 'while we're on the subject of habits' line - I agree. When I was rehearsing the scene I was really trying to practise that line being a 'spur of the moment' thought but I think you are right, I did pre-empt it slightly. I noticed that when I watched the tape back yesterday. On the second take I was really stuck as to whether I would 'go for it' and do something different for at least the first part of the scene. However, then I was torn between making it look like I was versatile vs not really listening to the direction that was offered me - so I played it 'safe'! Perhaps next time given I had been in the room for such a short amount of time I could ask for a 3rd take that's 'completely different' just for fun and to demonstrate that the scene isn't set in stone. (Richard's Note: I think that is a great idea - when there is a good reason it never hurts to ask for another take.) Oh, and I've been spreading the word about your workshops and I think you'll have a few more 'newies' coming on board in the next few months. I've really loved the flexibility and format of them and I've learned a lot."
"The most valuable aspect of the workshop was your frank and very useful process tips and techniques about how to make my process stronger. Thank you."
"I learnt a lot about myself, not just as an actor, but as a person and how I approach and deal with situations. Which in fact reflect on how I go about my acting career. And what isalso useful is that you take the time to really analyse the work in the scene. " - Kristin Sargent, March '07 "Watching the video after recording the scene to receive immediate feedback was very helpful. This workshop is useful because it -
I really learnt to look outside the 'square', gaining confidence, helping me to relax and to have fun in such an intense situation as an audition. I enjoyed your enthusiasm and demonstrations, Richard. You brought lightness to scenes and made the experience an interesting one. Thank you." - Ally Laybourn, March '07
Charity Shaw, March '07
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