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Class Options in Los Angeles This page is provided so that actors who have had travelled to the USA and had some experience of LA can provide their ‘opinions’ about their experience and the individual qualities of classes they have discovered. The information presented is not definitive and is based on personal observations but it is a guide so that you can further your own research as to which approach might be best for you.
LARRY MOSS I watched a play reading by one of his classes, and I though they were fantastic. The space is a large theatre and they are very much about the set/space and focuses mainly on scene study and character. The classes are weekly though.
THE BEVERLEY HILLS PLAYHOUSE I have never attended anything there however heard from friends it was the place to study serious scene work, I think.
STELLA ADLER/LEE STRASBERG Although Lee Strasburg and Stella Adler are well known, locals did not recommend them to me. I was told if you are an Australian going to the US you will only meet other foreigners in these courses and it's better to make local contacts so I didn’t try them.
TVI I found TVI was quite expensive and not a great option if you want to be taken seriously by managers and casting directors in the USA.
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