June 2007
Room Theory Tested
Sarell has been running a short course about screen performance for
third year actors at the Academy of Arts at Ballarat University. The
thirty actors who are completing their third year of tertiary study
spent 12 days exploring TV acting processes. The first three days
where spent examining the ‘value of story’, the next three
‘bringing complexity to character’ and of course the playing
of surprises for the screen was also explored.
value of having Rehearsal Room practice exposed to a tertiary environment
was fascinating and invaluable,” Richard said. In this new environment
a number of theories were expanded and clarified. There was a very
clear endorsement of the value of ‘surprises’. Ballarat
actors who developed the skill of allowing their character’s
expectations to be interrupted by surprises quickly found that their
performances were the standout ones in the group.
A number
of Rehearsal Room theories were minutely examined because the actors
found television process to be very different from the stagecraft
they had been learning. The general level of endorsement that the
concepts received took some of the theories to a new level. “This
was a very stimulating and productive time,” Richard said.
Three Audition Workshop
Tom McSweeney and Cameron Harris are the next casting directors
in the – to
enrol. |
SARGENT has won a part in a feature which starts
shooting around 18th June. KRISTIN was the only actor to be
called back for her part. “Rehearsal Room Audition coaching
gave me a clear set of practical tools to take to help make
useful choices during the audition process,” KRISTEN said.
‘Prey’ is directed
by George Miller. Check it out www.myspace.com/Preymovie
Congratulations, KRISTIN!!!!! |
CONSTANTINOU had a remarkable run with his recent
audition for an American feature ‘Ruins’. As part
of the selection process his audition was seen in the U.S. by
Denise Chamian who cast ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’,
‘The Pursuit of Happyness’, ‘Déjà
vu’, ‘Constantine’, ‘Eyes Wide Shut’
and ‘Saving Private Ryan’. Auditioning for Australian
Casting Director Ben Parkingson PATRICK got down to the last two
options for the part. |
After covering (understudying) four female roles in Melbourne Theatre
Company's production of "The 25th Annual Putnam County
Spelling Bee" in 2006 JACKIE
RAE LYTHGO is back at work with the same play for
the Sydney Theatre Company. One night during the first week of the
Melbourne season a cast member suddenly fell ill and JACKIE RAE was
thrown into a role mid-performance. (There after she played three
shows a week for the rest of the season.)
In a
recent email JACKIE RAE wrote – “In Sydney a similar thing
has happened. I have just finished my most intense week since,.. well...
Spelling Bee for MTC last year! I didn't think it could happen again
but, YES IT DID!”
RAE had been contracted to understudy all the main parts in the Sydney
production and to play Marina Prior’s role every Tuesday night.
She only had 2 actual rehearsals for this role the rest of her performance
preparation has been done through observation and note taking. She
played that role on the first Tuesday of the season but on opening
night, Thursday, I spent the entire day getting prepared for another
female role Logan Swartzandgrubinerre which she had never been rehearsed
escaped opening night terror, but had to perform the next evening,
Friday, and 2 shows today (Saturday). I'm exhausted and in a state
of disbelievement ?? (Is that a word?),” she said.
surprised myself again. I had never been given a rehearsal in this
role and sheer terror set in, that felt slightly familiar from last
time... Can you believe it????? I did really well. I've been reviewed
on both roles which I've attached and received many accolades.”
reviews are good (“Lythgo seemed a textbook fit for the prim
and proper role") but they don't evoke the intensity of the situation
I was in. I have now performed 3 out of 4 roles in this show... all
completely different vocally and in singing range, absurdly different
"types", different in comical timing, story, background,
looks... blonde, brunette and a redhead!”
In the
midst of all this JACKIE RAE was also negotiating her own working
conditions because at the moment she is a freelance performer.
done, JACKIE RAE. This is a wonderful and huge achievement. All Rehearsal
Room actors applaud your success. Congratulations.
more of JACKIE RAE’S performance process – click here)
NEXT TERM of Rehearsal Room classes commences from 16th July. For
details and dates Introductory, Advanced, Advanced (Level 2) and MASTER
BLOG 14 is now online. Forrest sets out to find the meaning of
love and loses something along the way. |
Rehearsal Room Video Blog continues to explore Forrest's adventures
in life. Seventeen entries have now been shot involving thirty
actors although only 14 are online. The others are still being
edited. The latest one has nine speaking parts in it, is 5 minutes
21 seconds long and was shot in 3 hours. It was great fun to shoot.
Because MySpace will only allow a maximum of 10 videos only the
latest blogs will be found on MySpace and the rest will be archived
at ‘forrestsnewbeginning’ at Youtube.com |
Sarell says The Rehearsal Room is still working towards developing
Forrerst’s New Beginning into a feature film. |
A few thoughts on acting fundamentals that were provoked by a workshop
session performing improvisations. Do you forget these simple basics?
May 2007
'Forrest' Be A Feature Film?
Sunday 29th May a small group gathered at The Rehearsal Room to assess
the progress of Forrest’s New Beginning Video Blogs. Fourteen
blogs have now been shot involving 22 Rehearsal Room actors and totalling
53 minutes of screen time.
first thing that happens as a result of a project like this is that
everyone gets better. There is a very clear improvement in writing
and performance skills as the blogs progress – this is the real
value of doing the work. Excitingly, according to this group the story
was very engaging. Everyone agreed that Forrest’s story was
much stronger when it was linked together than it was broken down
into individual blogs. So - could it be a feature film??
Next for Forrest?
number of problems were identified and some of those will be fixed
immediately. Others that require re-writing will have to wait until
the future of this project is really clear. For the moment we will
keep producing more segments with the aim of increasing our skills
and our understanding of how this style of storytelling works. But
for the future there are high hopes of turning Forrest’s New
Beginning into a feature film.
Latest Escapades
Forrest’s latest two adventures are now online. He is beginning
to explore kissing. “Is sex the path to love or love the path
to sex?” he wonders. Click
here for “Kissing it Better” and here
for “Lip Balm Kissing”. Blog #14 “In search of Love”
is shot and will be uploaded shortly.
Screen Test Postponed
This event has now been postponed to 5th, 6th and 7th October 2007
(see 8th April news for contact details)
The one-day Monologue Workshop is happening THIS SUNDAY 6th May. It
is a great way for professional actors, teachers and VCE students
to acquire a fresh view of “How to Manage a Monologue”.
A one day workshop that will quickly and effectively change your performance
outcomes. (TO ENROL)
did an audition a short time after the
workshop and they
asked me to play it in
a variety of different ways. Your process helped enormously with making
those changes. It was a significant factor in me getting the role."
- Andrea McCannon
monologue workshop is a winner. I had an audition the next week and
got the role!"
- Charity Shaw (FOR MORE
Sunday Introductory and Advanced Classes
Commencing Sunday 13th May these workshops are filling fast. But there
are still a couple of spots available. Change
your view of acting for ever.
Auditions for magazine show “The Missing Manual” are complete
and a diverse range of enthusiastic people with a wonderful range
of life experience offered their services. A short list is being prepared
and the next step will be to test the potential presenters with small
sample groups to assess a general audience response. The plan is to
have a team of presenters bringing diversity and balance to the show’s
contents. More news soon.